EXPERTS for every industry.
SOLUTIONS for every problem.

Our Services

Your success is our business.

We deliver optimal outcomes while safeguarding the integrity of our clients and the privacy of their customers.


Why Rimkus

الفرق بين ريمكوس

At Rimkus, our clients can count on us for timely delivery, clear communications, and scientifically correct answers to complex questions.

المعرفة الصناعية

Our team includes engineers, architects, scientists, and technical specialists with extensive knowledge across a broad range of products and applications in both public and private environments.

نهج التحقيق

We use our depth of expertise to carefully consider the science behind each event investigated, providing detailed assessments to clients.

التحليل والتقرير

Trained in root cause analysis, our consultants and experts solve difficult problems using scientific methodology.


We take care to understand the questions our clients need answered and clearly deliver scientifically-based solutions that allow them to move a project, claim, or dispute forward.

الصناعات المميزة

خدمة مجموعة واسعة من العملاء والصناعات في جميع أنحاء العالم.

الهندسة المعمارية والهندسة والبناء (AEC)
المطورون والمالكون والمديرون
تكنولوجيا الرعاية الصحية
الضيافة والتجزئة والمطاعم
النفط والغاز
الطاقة والطاقة المتجددة
مصنعي المنتجات والمستحضرات الصيدلانية
النقل والمواصلات
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Client Resources

Explore our diverse array of resources, from insightful case studies and thought-provoking blog posts to the latest news updates.

  • Architects with blueprint

    High-Tech Headquarters Upgrade

    Background A high-tech company needed a new corporate headquarters to house their growing sales, research and development, and business units. To attract the right talent,…

    قراءة المزيد
  • Development Due Diligence for a 220 million Mixed Use Project

    Development Due Diligence for a $220-million Mixed-Use Project

    Background Rimkus experts were engaged by an institutional fund manager to assess the potential equity investment in a new $220-million, ground-up, mixed-use development. To facilitate their…

    قراءة المزيد
  • Upgrade of Fuel Storage and Distribution Facilities

    Upgrade of Fuel Storage and Distribution Facilities

    Background La Collette Terminal was originally built in the 1970’s for the storage and transfer to distributors of the vehicle, heating, marine, and aviation fuel…

    قراءة المزيد
  • Marine Vessels: Human Factors and Premises Liability Analysis

    On-Demand Educational Webinar

    Marine Vessels: Premises Liability and Human Factors Analysis is a one-hour presentation designed to help attendees understand types of premises hazards and how they can lead to incidents. It will examine human factors concepts and how they can play a meaningful part in determining liability in marine premises matters.

    View Details
  • Welding Insights: Navigating Processes and Pitfalls

    On-Demand Educational Webinar

    Welding Insights: Navigating Processes and Pitfalls is a one-hour course designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of welding technology, including various welding processes, applications in construction, non-destructive testing methods, and common welding defects.

    View Details
  • Biomechanics in Serious Injury Claims

    On-Demand Educational Webinar

    Biomechanics Analysis in Serious Injury Cases is a one-hour course designed to help the participant understand the field of injury biomechanics and how a biomechanical engineer may be critical in identifying the sequence of events, in mitigation/elimination of injuries, or even in understanding occupant ejections during accidental events.

    View Details
  • Rimkus Connections: February 2025 Edition

    Profiles in Leadership: Charles Burhans Rimkus Senior Vice President Charles Burhans leads our teams of experts with specialized knowledge in areas such as human factors,…

    قراءة المزيد
  • Rimkus Connections: January 2025 Edition

    Hello, 2025! 2024 was a great year for the Rimkus team and our clients as we joined forces to solve thousands of problems. We uncovered…

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  • Rimkus Connections: December 2024 Edition

    Reflecting on 2024 With Gratitude With the holiday season upon us, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude for your partnership this…

    قراءة المزيد
Featured Testimonials

See what our clients are saying about us

Excellent Communication

Excellent Communication

Your company is excellent at communicating with their customers and following up.
Thank you!

Amazing Work!

Amazing Work!

لقد كان العمل مع ريمكوس ممتعاً للغاية لأول مرة. هذا اسم سأتذكره لاحتياجات الإحالة المستقبلية. أقدر التواصل السريع مع الموظفين من الفواتير إلى المهام الجديدة إلى الخبير الذي يقوم بالتنزيل أو كتابة تقرير. عمل رائع!

Great Service

Great Service

أنا معجب باستمرار بالخدمات التي تقدمها شركة ريمكوس.

Excellent Work

Excellent Work

عمل ممتاز في مساعدتي في فهم طريقة عمل المعدات والآثار المترتبة على إدارة السلامة والصحة المهنية

Expert Communication

Expert Communication

يتواصل خبراؤك بشكل جيد للغاية ويساعدونني في تحليلي بشكل كبير. فهم يرغبون دائمًا في الحصول على المعلومات التي أبحث عنها.

Saved us thousands

Saved us thousands

Since using your services, especially for the determination of roof damage, you have saved us thousands of dollars.
Thank you!

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