Jeffery Whitfield, LLB, FRICS, MCIArb


Expert Services

Manchester, UK


Jeffery is widely experienced in the management of disputes and forensic quantum analysis. His forensic skills are complemented by engagements throughout the world, advising on procurement, negotiation of contracts, drafting of contracts, development planning, project management, insurance issues, risk analysis, and providing strategic advice to the directors of major businesses and government bodies.

Jeffery works out of the UK having spent 2 years living in the USA, working on major international arbitrations, and 3 years based in the Middle East. He lectures on claims issues and negotiation and is the author of articles for the specialist press. He has a sound working knowledge of complex claims negotiations, carries out liability studies, and, as a qualified Mediator, is involved with conciliations and expert determinations. Jeffery is also a speaker at seminars and conferences on a variety of built asset issues and has published books including Conflicts in Construction (2nd Edition), Assessing Loss and Expense, and the Expert Witness in You.

Jeffery has been resolving claims and disputes since 1992, working independently and within large project and legal teams on disputes up to $1 billion. He has testified 17 times in venues such as London, Dubai, Paris, Geneva, and New York. Predominantly testifying in Quantum cases, Jeff has testified on delay and project management cases too. With specialties in M&E and oil, gas, and marine, Jeff is able to quickly dissect complex issues to identify entitlement and culpability in accordance with relevant contract conditions and relevant precedent.

Jeffery has extensive knowledge of the NEC form of contract and a wide experience of most other forms including JCT, IChemE, ICE, PFI, FIDIC, and numerous bespoke forms of contract.


  • Law Degree, LLB: University of West London (1988)


  • Fellow: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS)
  • Member: Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb)