Servizi di valutazione strutturale per i rischi idrologici

Rimkus provides highly specialized expertise related to hydrologic hazards and associated structural and property damage. Our collaborative engineers, architects, meteorologists, and other technical specialists offer decades of experience with matters involving floods, drought, landslides, debris flow, river dynamics, and weather events.

We can evaluate damage due to hydrologic hazards as well as assess existing infrastructure for potential risks. Utilizing significant expertise related to dams, levees, culverts, storm sewers, and earth-retaining structures, we can provide structural assessments, consultation, and solutions for clients on a wide range of hydrology-related problems.

Per saperne di più
When a 115-foot-long golf course bridge was moved by flood activity, Rimkus was tasked with investigating the damage.
Rimkus Case Study – Riverine Flooding

A river followed a natural path that passed through a golf course. When hurricane flooding caused significant erosion and damage that rerouted the channel, it resulted in movement of a golf cart bridge.

As part of the golf course’s recovery from the storm, the channel was recreated, and a new bridge was constructed with steps taken to mitigate erosion and undermining of the foundations. Several years later, another high flow caused shifting of the channel, as well as undermining of the central pier.

Servizi forniti

Rimkus was retained to investigate the movement of the bridge and pier. We performed a forensic assessment of the structural damage, including a review of weather and river flow data, review of design documents for the bridge, and a physical site inspection.

To read the full case study and view more examples of our work, check out our website.

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