Consulenza sui danni alla proprietà

Gli esperti di consulenza in materia di sinistri immobiliari di Rimkus sono in grado di fornire risposte e soluzioni alle domande e ai problemi dei nostri clienti relativi a edifici e strutture.

I problemi agli edifici, alle strutture e ai relativi sistemi infrastrutturali si verificano quotidianamente. Alcuni possono essere attribuiti a cause naturali come tempeste, incendi o terremoti. 

Altri possono derivare da metodi di costruzione impropri, errori di progettazione o materiali di qualità inferiore, con conseguenti difetti di progettazione o costruzione che portano al cedimento degli involucri degli edifici e degli impianti strutturali, meccanici, elettrici o idraulici.

Dalle case a un piano ai grattacieli per uffici, dalle pavimentazioni stradali ai ponti autostradali a più campate, dai cartelli segnaletici ai granai e a tutte le forme di strutture residenziali, commerciali, manifatturiere, industriali, municipali e agricole, gli ingegneri, gli architetti e gli esperti di edilizia di Rimkus possiedono le competenze essenziali per diagnosticare e risolvere i problemi dell'ambiente costruito.

Dalla causalità al recupero, Rimkus è in grado di determinare la causa del danno, di sviluppare una portata e un costo di riparazione, di fornire servizi di progettazione per riportare una proprietà alle condizioni precedenti al danno e di supervisionare il restauro di una proprietà.

Investiamo continuamente per dotare i nostri consulenti delle più recenti capacità investigative, tra cui la raccolta di dati con l'uso di droni (UAV), apparecchiature di scansione 3D, l'accesso ad aree difficili con attrezzature robotiche montate su binari, l'esame/test con apparecchiature di laboratorio nell'ambito della nostra Practice di Scienza dei Materiali e il software ARC-GIS utilizzato dai nostri esperti della Practice di Meteorologia. 

Per saperne di più sulla nostra consulenza sui danni alla proprietà servizi di consulenza sui sinistri immobiliari.

I nostri servizi di consulenza sui sinistri immobiliari

When there is property damage from fire, flood, weather, and other events, time is of the essence for the property owner. Because damage can set in quickly, property owners swiftly hire emergency restoration contractors to mitigate the damage. 

Our team’s extensive restoration background allows us to return chaos back to normalcy as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

Property loss events often elicit concerns over the integrity of a building’s structural system. 

Rimkus experts have the expertise to answer questions surrounding the structural integrity of a building, whether a building is safe to occupy, and to propose solutions to repair the damaged building.

Some property loss events require geotechnical engineering expertise to fully understand the cause and extent of failure for a particular structure.

Rimkus geotechnical engineers and consultants provide this expertise and can recommend remedial steps to address such concerns.

Natural disasters can leave a path of destruction ranging from minor damage to total devastation. At Rimkus, our catastrophe teams are comprised of civil, structural, architectural, mechanical, and electrical engineers who are ready to provide the crucial and timely analyses that are vital in the evaluation of the damage. WeatherPath™, Rimkus’ in-house weather data application, is a useful tool our experts use to provide visual representations of catastrophic weather events and develop analyses for the events in relation to any investigation.

The physical barrier between the interior and exterior of a building is commonly referred to as the “building envelope”. It serves not only to shelter the interior from inclement weather (rain, hail, snow, wind, etc.), but to also delineate the controlled indoor environment from the unconditioned outdoor surroundings.

Rimkus consultants have extensive experience evaluating a wide range of problems with building envelopes.

Unwanted moisture in a building comes in many forms: roof leaks, wall/window/door leaks, plumbing leaks, condensation, groundwater infiltration, surface water infiltration, flooding, elevated humidity, and more.

Rimkus has extensive experience determining the source of unwanted moisture and its effects on the building.

The evaluation of structures that have sustained impact forces from vehicle accidents, fallen tree strikes, and similar sources can be a complex undertaking.

Our team of engineers and building experts can analyze the effects of such impact events, determine the extent of damage, offer repair recommendations, and provide restoration cost estimates and remediation design services.

In addition to providing investigative services to determine the origin and cause of structure fires, Rimkus has extensive expertise in assessing the severity and extent of damage caused by a fire event. 

Our team of engineers, scientists, and building experts are experienced in all facets of structure fire damage evaluations.

Problems with floors and ceilings can range from cosmetic issues to serious structural safety concerns. 

Rimkus experts can identify a wide range of these conditions.

Although buildings and structures are designed to withstand code-required loads (dead, live, wind, seismic, rain, snow, etc.), they may sustain damage from unanticipated forces generated by explosions and vibration sources.

Our team has the expertise to evaluate all aspects of explosions and vibrations.

Non-building structures include grain bins, material storage silos, transmission and broadcast towers, retaining walls, underground and above-ground storage tanks, equipment supports, and similar non-occupied forms of construction commonly found in agricultural, utility, and industrial facilities. 

Our engineers and consultants have a wide range of expertise in a variety of settings.

I nostri esperti di consulenza sui sinistri immobiliari

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