Cooperative/Non-Profit Community Services

Services for Cooperative/Non-Profit Communities

Have you started thinking about the 2024 building projects for your community? To make capital plans for the upcoming year, start by assessing your buildings’ exterior components, internal systems, necessary upgrades, and compliance with building codes and regulations.

The Rimkus team has the technical expertise needed to perform condition assessments of structures and their systems, including building envelopes; mechanical, electrical, and life safety; roofs; and pavement. We have offices across Canada and can provide the building or major component assessments you need to understand your budgeting requirements for 2024.

Meet Your Sustainability Goals

Environmental sustainability is an increasingly important consideration for cooperative and non-profit communities. By prioritizing resilience and maintainability, property managers can reduce costs and risks, comply with local regulations, and meet climate targets, all while helping to create healthier, more appealing environments for tenants.

Rimkus experts take a collaborative approach to every project, combining a full range of green building services to optimize the sustainable performance, maintenance, and repair of buildings and their systems.

Comprehensive Services

Complete Coverage for Your Cooperative/Non-profit Community

  • エイジ・イン・プレイス・アセスメント
  • 建築・エンジニアリング・デザイン
  • 建物状況評価
  • 資本計画
  • Energy Audits and Modelling
  • インテリアデザインとリノベーション
  • プロジェクト管理と建設レビュー

Rimkus consultants have completed hundreds of residential projects across Canada involving roof assessments, concrete restoration, pavement replacement, waterproofing, water management, site dewatering, rehabilitation, and the efficient operation of building systems. Our experience includes flat and sloped roofs, parkades and parking garages, balconies, retaining walls, exterior cladding, heating and cooling systems, windows, doors, skylights, and more.
