
Rimkus Built Environment Solutionsチームは、マンション開発や住宅所有者協会に特化した幅広いコンサルティングサービス、プロジェクト計画、管理ソリューションを提供し、取締役会や経営陣が建物のメンテナンスや修理のニーズについてエビデンスに基づいた選択を行えるよう支援しています。



  • 開発者移行研究
  • 不動産状態評価
  • コードコンプライアンスレビュー
  • エネルギー監査
  • 法定建物検査
  • キャピタル・リザーブ・スタディーズ/リザーブ・ファンド・スタディーズ
  • 大災害と暴風雨被害への対応
  • 建設管理サービス
  • 緊急時対応計画
  • 環境アセスメント
  • 機械・電気システム工学・設計
  • 修復・修理コンサルティング
  • ルーフコンサルティング
  • 構造工学と設計


A key step in the life of every community association is the transfer of control of the community to the owners. A smooth transition hinges on active involvement, understanding the process, and hiring competent professionals.

During the transition, unit owners and their elected board collaborate with the developer for a seamless handover, which benefits both parties. The developer gains insights into construction, legal, and financial matters, allowing them to address issues and avoid potential lawsuits. Owners benefit by acquiring essential information about the community, learning its operations, and having various issues resolved. Successful collaboration results in a well-functioning community and a sound investment for unit owners.

Identifying construction defects is a crucial component of the transition. Owners often engage professional engineering firms like Rimkus to perform Developer Transition Studies, which are tailored to the association’s common components and involve a review of construction plans, documentation, and permits, as well as a comprehensive field assessment. The resulting report, often welcomed by developers, serves as the basis for notifying them of construction defects. Developers, typically bound by warranties, address identified issues at no cost to the association, facilitating a resolution that benefits both parties and concludes the project.

Rimkusは、物件(ファサード、壁、屋根、ドア、窓、バルコニー、歩道、駐車場、舗装など)の完全な評価を提供して、修理が必要な水の浸入、空気漏れ、または構造上の問題を特定できます。Property Condition Assessmentsは、以下のことを支援します。

  • 物件のパフォーマンスと現在の状態を評価する
  • 季節的な天候の変化に備える
  • 既知の問題による早期の損傷を避ける
  • 人や財産に対する目障りなリスクや潜在的なリスクを回避する
  • 最適な建物性能のためのメンテナンス活動の計画
  • 物件の修繕とアップグレードの計画
  • 建築基準法と要件への準拠を確保する


Many cities and states have unique regulations that require regular inspections of buildings to identify potential hazards, ensure compliance with building codes, and ultimately safeguard the well-being of occupants and the surrounding community. Examples of these include SB 4-D in Florida, California SB 326 for balconies, or New York City’s Façade Safety and Inspection Program (FISP).

While the requirements vary by location, these inspections are typically conducted by certified inspectors who examine various aspects of a building, including its envelope, mechanical and electrical systems, and overall structural integrity. The frequency of these inspections also varies depending on local regulations and the type of building, with some requiring annual checks while others may need inspections at specific milestones such as construction completion or change of occupancy. Rimkus experts can help guide you through the nuanced requirements in your location.

Located strategically in offices spanning the United States and Canada, our experts are well-versed in local requirements and are highly qualified to perform necessary inspections.

Capital Reserve Studies, Reserve Fund Studies, Depreciation Reports, and Capital Replacement Plans are all different terms for the reports used by condominium boards to make fact-based, data-driven decisions regarding building maintenance. These studies and reports also help boards avoid being surprised by special assessments, budget responsibly for predictable repairs and replacements, save money, and protect property values.

To meet regulatory requirements, condominium corporations must establish reserve fund studies within a year of state registration. Rimkus experts can evaluate the present condition and life expectancy of building components, identify necessary repairs, make recommendations for maintenance or replacement, and provide cost estimates and cash allocation assistance for current and future maintenance.

We offer a wide range of building services in support of extending a property’s lifespan and performing necessary updates with maximum efficiency and minimal disruption to occupied buildings. We believe it is important to provide our clients with a strategy for future investments and expenditures to meet both short and long-term budget plans.


Our team can assist in all phases of building restoration. We have a long track record of success on projects varying from low-rise commercial and residential buildings to luxury high-rise towers.

At Rimkus, we believe that the key to a successful restoration project often occurs before the contractor arrives on-site. A thorough and detailed pre-construction effort, including preliminary investigation, preparation of contract documents, bid process and review, pre-construction meeting(s), and review of all mock-ups and submittals, will often eliminate unnecessary costs and construction delays.

A successful building restoration includes thorough assessment of crucial elements including the façade, roof, windows, railings, and building envelope systems. Our consultants have the significant and specialized expertise needed to deliver accurate evaluations and effective solutions to identified issues. We provide a detailed list of findings and recommendations for immediate repairs as well as preventative maintenance to address a building’s functionality.

Additionally, the appurtenances of a building (e.g., balconies) often deteriorate faster than the façade itself, requiring particular attention and, often, increased maintenance. Repairs to these elements should be addressed in a manner that will prolong the useful life of the appurtenance as well as the repairs performed. The Rimkus team of experts is experienced in the assessment of all building elements, ensuring clients receive thorough evaluations and plans for repairs.


  • 契約管理
  • 遺産/歴史的建造物の修復
  • プラザデッキと駐車場/公園の評価
  • 品質観測
  • ルーフアンカーと安全性
  • 屋根の状態評価
  • 屋根の設計と仕様
  • 屋根診断テスト
  • 屋根管理プログラム


Rimkusの構造エンジニアは、多くのタイプの住宅構造物の評価、設計、およびリハビリテーションの専門知識を提供します。物件が損害を受けた場合、当社の専門家は長年の設計と建設の経験を活かして、スペースを損失前の状態に戻します。私たちは徹底したインフラストラクチャ設計ソリューションを提供し、適切な設計修理を効果的に診断します。当社の能力は、新築の設計要素だけでなく、防水、排水、建物の外皮システムなど、建設上の欠陥が発生しやすい要素にも及びます。当社の構造エンジニアリングサービスの詳細については、 ここをクリックしてください

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