Appaji Panchangam, Ph.D., P.Eng., ACTAR
Biomechanical Practice Leader
아파지 판창암 박사는 미시간 대학교에서 의공학 박사 학위를 받았습니다. 박사 학위를 취득하기 전에는 물리학 분야에서 두 개의 석사 학위와 수학, 물리학, 화학 분야에서 학사 학위를 받았습니다. 그는 캐나다 브리티시컬럼비아 주에 등록된 전문 엔지니어입니다. 판창암 박사의 주요 컨설팅 전문 분야는 부상 원인 생체역학, 인간의 보행 및 균형, 미끄러짐/넘어짐 및 낙상, 차량 사고 재구성, 탑승자 동작 등입니다.
With 15 years of forensic engineering experience, Dr. Panchangam’s knowledge and broad range of skills enable him to answer complex engineering questions and solve unique problems. He has conducted research in multiple aspects of musculoskeletal injury with emphasis on muscle mechanics and injury, and published numerous research articles in national and international organizations. He was awarded the “Young Investigator Award” in 2012 by the Canadian Society of Biomechanics for his research in muscle mechanics. Additionally, Dr. Panchangam has significant academic and industry experience in high-power laser optics, laser protection, and safety. He has expertise in testing and data analysis.
판창암 박사는 미국교통사고감정사협회(ACTAR) 공인 교통사고 재구성 전문의이기도 합니다. 저속 및 고속 충돌, 전복, 사망 사고, 보행자 및 자전거 충돌, 운전자 판단, 안전벨트 및 기타 안전장치 사용 평가, 현장 조사 및 매핑, 차량 검사, 속도 분석, 시간 거리 분석, GPS 데이터 분석, 이벤트 데이터 레코더 다운로드 및 분석, 충돌 시뮬레이션, 야간 시인성 테스트 등의 평가를 수행했습니다.
그는 미국자동차공학회(SAE), 미국재료시험학회(ASTM), 국제생체역학회 등 여러 전문 단체의 회원으로 활동하고 있습니다.
Education and Certifications
- Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D.: University of Michigan (2007)
- Applied Physics, M.S.: University of Massachusetts (2000)
- Physics, M.Sc.: University of Hyderabad, India (1997)
- Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, B.S.: Nagarjuna University, India (1993)
- Professional Engineer: Province of British Columbia, Canada
- Traffic Accident Reconstructionist (ACTAR #3327): Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR)
- Certified Crash Data Retrieval Technician and Analyst (Collision Sciences Institute)
- Young Investigator Award: Canadian Society of Biomechanics (2012)
- Finalist for Journal of Biomechanics Award: American Society of Biomechanics (2010)
- Post-doctoral Research Fellowship: NSERC CREATE Program (2009 – 2011)
- “Overextended sarcomeres regain filament overlap following stretch.” Journal of Biomechanics, 2012.
- “The three filament model of skeletal muscle stability and force production.” Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 2012.
- “Sarcomere overextension reduces stretch-induced tension loss in myofibrils of rabbit psoas.” Journal of Biomechanics, 2011.
- “Non-uniform distribution of strain during stretch of relaxed skeletal muscle fibers from rat soleus muscle.” Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility, 2011.
- “Magnitude of sarcomere extension correlates with initial sarcomere length during injury to permeabilized single fibers from soleus muscles of rats.” Biophysical Journal, 2008.
- “A novel optical imaging system for investigating sarcomere dynamics in single skeletal muscle fibers.” Proceedings of SPIE, 2006.
- “Evaluation of experimental laser-induced-damage assessment techniques for solid state nonlinear optical elements.” Proceedings of SPIE, 2002.
- “Processing of medical images using real-time optical Fourier processing.” Medical Physics, 2000.
- *Author or co-author of about 20 publications as conference proceedings, abstracts, or posters at various national and international meetings.