Navigating Property Damage? Let Rimkus Experts Guide You

August 28, 2024

Restore and Rebuild: Expert Building Consulting Services for Damaged Properties

When property is damaged by natural disasters, fires, floods, or structural failures, it is crucial to assess the extent of damage, determine the underlying causes, and develop efficient and cost-effective strategies for repair and restoration.

The Rimkus team comprises expertise in nearly every engineering discipline, as well as architecture, construction, and project management. Members of our Building Consulting Services group utilize their specialized expertise within the construction field to investigate building failures, determine extent of damage, and provide cost and scope of repair, as well as assist with on-site project management and observation.

We offer cost estimating and project management services, and can provide desktop analysis of invoices and change orders, as well as assist with building code evaluations and code compliance. Informed by our extensive background in mitigation and restoration, our experts can help assess damage, identify the root cause of problems, and recommend corrective measures.

Comprehensive Inspections and Analysis
Our team conducts detailed inspections, reviewing information such as design documents and meteorological data, performing testing, and analyzing building codes to uncover the origins of the issues. To facilitate a clear, resilient path forward, we act as an objective third party, identifying critical business priorities, and driving the work to appropriate time and cost conclusions.

Utilizing our deep bench of expertise and years of global industry experience, we help our clients make informed decisions regarding maintenance, repair, and new construction projects, as well as ensure that buildings meet safety standards, comply with regulations, and perform as intended.

Learn More
Our consultants provide pre-loss planning, rapid response, and post-loss desk reviews related to property loss.
Services include:
  • Proper, fair assessment of damage
  • Supply skilled oversight and job monitoring throughout the project
  • Reduction of business interruption and extra expenses
  • Establishment of an extensive scope of work to stabilize the environment
  • Defining the remediation method and plan
  • Constructing an appropriate timeline to ensure a quick return to pre-loss conditions and operations
  • Production of a detailed, accurate Rough Order of Magnitude estimate to help set reserves and budgets
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Contact Our Team

Connect with us to learn more about the holistic building services we offer, including forensic investigations, failure analysis, construction advisory services, and a complete suite of solutions for the built environment.


Lauren Carpenter
District Manager

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