
Rimkus Built Environment Solutions 团队提供广泛的咨询服务、项目规划和管理解决方案,专为公寓开发和房主协会量身定制,帮助董事会和管理团队就其建筑物的维护和维修需求做出基于证据的选择。



  • 开发人员过渡研究
  • 物业状况评估
  • 代码合规性审查
  • 能源审计
  • 法定建筑物检查
  • 资本储备研究/储备基金研究
  • 灾难和风暴损害响应
  • 施工管理服务
  • 应急准备计划
  • 环境评估
  • 机电系统工程与设计
  • 修复和维修咨询
  • 屋顶咨询
  • 结构工程与设计


A key step in the life of every community association is the transfer of control of the community to the owners. A smooth transition hinges on active involvement, understanding the process, and hiring competent professionals.

During the transition, unit owners and their elected board collaborate with the developer for a seamless handover, which benefits both parties. The developer gains insights into construction, legal, and financial matters, allowing them to address issues and avoid potential lawsuits. Owners benefit by acquiring essential information about the community, learning its operations, and having various issues resolved. Successful collaboration results in a well-functioning community and a sound investment for unit owners.

Identifying construction defects is a crucial component of the transition. Owners often engage professional engineering firms like Rimkus to perform Developer Transition Studies, which are tailored to the association’s common components and involve a review of construction plans, documentation, and permits, as well as a comprehensive field assessment. The resulting report, often welcomed by developers, serves as the basis for notifying them of construction defects. Developers, typically bound by warranties, address identified issues at no cost to the association, facilitating a resolution that benefits both parties and concludes the project.

Rimkus 可以对房产(外墙、墙壁、屋顶、门、窗、阳台、人行道、停车场和人行道等)进行全面评估,以确定任何需要维修的渗水、漏气或结构问题。物业状况评估可以帮助:

  • 评估住宿的表现和当前状况
  • 为季节性天气变化做好准备
  • 避免已知问题造成的过早损坏
  • 避免碍眼和对人员和财产的潜在风险
  • 规划维护活动以实现最佳建筑性能
  • 规划物业维修和升级
  • 确保符合建筑规范和要求


Many cities and states have unique regulations that require regular inspections of buildings to identify potential hazards, ensure compliance with building codes, and ultimately safeguard the well-being of occupants and the surrounding community. Examples of these include SB 4-D in Florida, California SB 326 for balconies, or New York City’s Façade Safety and Inspection Program (FISP).

While the requirements vary by location, these inspections are typically conducted by certified inspectors who examine various aspects of a building, including its envelope, mechanical and electrical systems, and overall structural integrity. The frequency of these inspections also varies depending on local regulations and the type of building, with some requiring annual checks while others may need inspections at specific milestones such as construction completion or change of occupancy. Rimkus experts can help guide you through the nuanced requirements in your location.

Located strategically in offices spanning the United States and Canada, our experts are well-versed in local requirements and are highly qualified to perform necessary inspections.

Capital Reserve Studies, Reserve Fund Studies, Depreciation Reports, and Capital Replacement Plans are all different terms for the reports used by condominium boards to make fact-based, data-driven decisions regarding building maintenance. These studies and reports also help boards avoid being surprised by special assessments, budget responsibly for predictable repairs and replacements, save money, and protect property values.

To meet regulatory requirements, condominium corporations must establish reserve fund studies within a year of state registration. Rimkus experts can evaluate the present condition and life expectancy of building components, identify necessary repairs, make recommendations for maintenance or replacement, and provide cost estimates and cash allocation assistance for current and future maintenance.

We offer a wide range of building services in support of extending a property’s lifespan and performing necessary updates with maximum efficiency and minimal disruption to occupied buildings. We believe it is important to provide our clients with a strategy for future investments and expenditures to meet both short and long-term budget plans.

在灾难性和恶劣天气事件发生后,Rimkus 团队可以迅速动员起来,提供快速响应、损害评估和补救计划,优先考虑我们客户财产的安全和稳定。我们的工程师、建筑师和其他结构专家专门对风暴相关的损失进行全面评估,帮助业主和公寓管理人员确定需要关注的领域并制定有效的缓解策略。Rimkus 致力于为客户提供从初步评估到长期规划和风险管理的每一步支持。我们量身定制的解决方案和专家指导将有助于保护财产,在未来几年内实现安全、有弹性的住宅。

Our team can assist in all phases of building restoration. We have a long track record of success on projects varying from low-rise commercial and residential buildings to luxury high-rise towers.

At Rimkus, we believe that the key to a successful restoration project often occurs before the contractor arrives on-site. A thorough and detailed pre-construction effort, including preliminary investigation, preparation of contract documents, bid process and review, pre-construction meeting(s), and review of all mock-ups and submittals, will often eliminate unnecessary costs and construction delays.

A successful building restoration includes thorough assessment of crucial elements including the façade, roof, windows, railings, and building envelope systems. Our consultants have the significant and specialized expertise needed to deliver accurate evaluations and effective solutions to identified issues. We provide a detailed list of findings and recommendations for immediate repairs as well as preventative maintenance to address a building’s functionality.

Additionally, the appurtenances of a building (e.g., balconies) often deteriorate faster than the façade itself, requiring particular attention and, often, increased maintenance. Repairs to these elements should be addressed in a manner that will prolong the useful life of the appurtenance as well as the repairs performed. The Rimkus team of experts is experienced in the assessment of all building elements, ensuring clients receive thorough evaluations and plans for repairs.

Rimkus 屋顶专家,其中许多人拥有注册屋顶观察员 (RRO)、注册屋顶顾问 (RRC) 和专业工程师 (PE) 的认证,可以通过我们全面的屋顶咨询服务帮助优化任何规模投资组合的建筑性能,其中一些服务包括:

  • 合同管理
  • 文物/历史建筑修复
  • Plaza Deck 和停车场/停车场评估
  • 质量观察
  • 屋顶锚栓和安全
  • 屋顶状况评估
  • 屋顶设计和规格
  • 屋顶诊断测试
  • 屋顶管理计划


Rimkus 结构工程师为多种类型的住宅结构提供评估、设计和修复专业知识。当财产受损时,我们的专家会运用多年的设计和施工经验,将空间恢复到损失前的状态。我们提供全面的基础设施设计解决方案,并有效地诊断正确的设计修复。我们的能力延伸到新的建筑设计元素,以及容易出现建筑缺陷的元素,例如防水、排水和建筑围护系统。有关我们结构工程服务的更多信息, 请单击此处

Our Condominium Consulting Experts