Rimkus offers a diverse range of services and significant expertise focused on environmental, social, and (corporate) governance (ESG); greenhouse gas and carbon footprint reduction; and climate consulting. Whether addressing legislative changes or proactively reviewing assets in light of global fluctuations, expertise is required. Our diverse experience with the built environment and knowledge of their relationship with the surrounding environment have helped our clients avoid unnecessary failures with their projects.
- Full assessments of the building envelope, MEP systems, and vertical transportation to comprehensively understand how energy is used in the built environment
- ASHRAE Level I, II, and III Audits
- Greenhouse gas and carbon footprint analysis and benchmarking
- Energy evaluation and submission for compliance with local energy reporting ordinances
- Full engineering services for the design of energy and GHG-reducing projects
- Project management services and oversight of all aspects of bidding and construction
随着自然事件继续塑造我们景观的未来,Rimkus 可以帮助客户避免与建筑物、基础设施和社区的设计、维护和修复相关的故障。
When looking at structures, systems, and communities, there is an expectation that infrastructure should be able to resist an extreme event with minimal damage and functionality disruption during and after the event. Our goal is to enable the property and community to rapidly recover its functionality.
Resilience 服务包括:
- 气候分析
- 弹性设计服务
- 风险管理策略
- 资本支出研究
- 建筑围护结构分析
- 岩土工程评估
- 结构评估
- 地震评估
- MEP 系统评估
Ensuring Energy Efficiency and Regulatory Compliance
Complying with urban energy auditing requirements can be complex and time-consuming. Rimkus can help building owners navigate compliance challenges with comprehensive energy auditing services and energy efficiency strategies. We have the expertise and experience to help our clients meet their current and future energy goals without compromising profitability.
Valuable Energy Insight
Rimkus has extensive experience performing ASHRAE Level 1 Walk-through Audits and Level 2 Detailed General Audits. This information is useful when applying for LEED recertification or for developing strategies to reduce the building’s carbon footprint and operational costs. Our in-house expert construction estimators can provide reliable budget estimates and cost/benefit analyses through our experience projecting energy use patterns and utility rates.
Implementing Smart Solutions
Once we’ve identified opportunities for improving energy efficiency, the Rimkus team can work with owners and operators to design and implement cost-effective solutions. Our Certified Energy Managers work with clients to develop a road map for improving efficiency and complying with applicable energy regulations. This includes maintaining ENERGY STAR building portfolios, equipment replacement evaluations, and working with gas and electric utility companies to obtain the largest rebates and incentive payments.
几十年来,Rimkus 一直是绿色设计的倡导者。我们众多的 LEED 认证专业人士在美国绿色建筑委员会 (USGBC) 中非常活跃,开发和分享有关最新绿色设计策略的技术。
可持续性和潜在的 LEED 认证必须始终在业主对物业的战略计划的背景下进行看待。必须权衡业主的利益,例如建筑适销性、租户商誉、运营成本和机构发展,与材料和劳动力成本(包括与 LEED 认证相关的管理成本)进行权衡。通过可持续的设计和建筑实践,无论是否获得正式的 LEED 认证,都可以实现深远的环境效益和运营成本节约。
Rimkus 团队参与了整个 USGBC 矩阵中的众多 LEED 项目:新建筑 (NC)、商业室内设计 (CI)、核心和外壳 (CS)、既有建筑 (EBOM) 等。对于考虑将 LEED 用于其开发项目或现有建筑的客户,Rimkus 开发了一种专有的三阶段解决方案,该解决方案可以在内部完成:
- 在做出任何设计决策或修改之前,分析建筑物的当前 LEED 状况。
- 详细计算、技术审查和向 USGBC 提交项目。
- 建筑的调试和完成对可持续性和建筑运营至关重要的其他技术服务。
Smoke control systems are critical life safety systems in high-rise buildings, mandated by the International Business Code (IBC). To ensure their effectiveness, these systems must be inspected and recertified on an annual basis, or more often in some jurisdictions. Rimkus can help clients comply with building safety and code requirements through comprehensive testing and certification services.
Our consultants have fire protection credentials, mechanical systems expertise, and extensive knowledge of applicable codes and standards to perform thorough testing of all types of smoke control systems, including both pressurization and exhaust systems. We have a deep, technical understanding of smoke control systems design and operations, enabling us to effectively diagnose problems and provide cost-effective remedies.
Rimkus can also provide code-mandated special inspections of life safety systems for new construction. Our fire protection experts and mechanical and electrical engineers can verify that all components of life safety systems meet applicable codes and standards, and that the systems are properly installed, tested, and certified.