Rimkus 材料测试和调查团队专门从事材料失效分析、腐蚀调查和焊接工程。我们还提供各种专业的材料测试、分析和咨询服务。
来自世界各地的企业和行业都依靠 Rimkus Materials Testing and Investigation 的专业人员为他们提供快速准确的材料测试结果。其中一些行业包括赛车运动、汽车制造、管道(水系统)、船舶、化学和制药生产、发电和公用事业、热交换器和锅炉。
在下面了解有关我们的材料测试和调查实验室服务的更多信息,或直接致电 (704) 663-5108 或 [email protected] 与我们联系。
Rimkus 还拥有一支由经验丰富的顾问组成的专门团队,负责处理涉及保险和诉讼的材料事务。请访问我们的 材料科学与工程页面 以了解更多信息。
Failure analysis is performed by systematically examining, testing, and analyzing components to identify the cause and sequence of events that lead to a product failure. This specialized testing can vary significantly depending on the result found.
This process typically involves the following steps:
- 收集有关组件、其应用程序和历史记录的信息
- 详细的目视检查
- 组件的照片记录和视觉证据
- 无损检测
- 低放大倍率体视镜检查或 3D 成像
- 高倍率扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 检查
- 元素分析光谱法/SEM
- 对样品进行切片以进行金相微量分析
- 金相学
- 硬度测试
- 化学分析
- 机械测试
- 详细的证据和数据审查
- 制定专业结论和意见
- 我们的发现和建议的术际报告

Corrosion is a chemical reaction phenomenon that results in degradation of material and can lead to serious or catastrophic failures. Corrosion investigation engineering is the process of collecting corrosion failure samples and analyzing them to determine the source (root cause) and severity of the corrosion. Drawing from these analyses, we provide expert opinions and recommendations for corrosion remediation and prevention.
The Rimkus Materials Testing and Investigation team specializes in corrosion investigation engineering and the analytical techniques used to identify corrosion mechanisms. We have the expertise to recommend more corrosion-resistant alloys or coatings for a particular application or environment to prevent recurrent corrosion issues. Our energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) system can analyze corrosion deposits to identify the corrosive agent. We also have the expertise and capabilities to offer accelerated salt fog and other corrosion testing to determine the suitability of materials and coatings for specific environments.

A significant amount of metallurgical engineering is needed to successfully produce sound weldments in mechanical and structural applications.
We can provide welder and welding procedure qualification testing to ensure compliance with a wide variety of industrial specifications such as those set by the American Welding Society (AWS) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
We perform weld testing to evaluate the soundness, toughness, brittleness, hardness, and other properties of weldments before production begins. Our team also frequently investigates weld failures to determine the root cause of fracture or degradation of the weldment in the field.
Welder and Welding Procedure Qualifications:
- 弯曲测试
- 简支梁冲击 (CVN) 测试
- 荧光染料渗透剂
- 目视检查
- 宏观蚀刻测试
- 抗张强度

Our scanning electron microscope (SEM), with the addition of the energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), can examine and analyze samples at magnifications typically ranging from 5X to 20,000X. Using our state-of-the-art scanning electron microscope, our experts can analyze everything from microstructure and fracture surface to corrosion products, pitting, and impurities within the material.
The fracture surface topography revealed at increased magnification can reveal an exorbitant amount of information:
- 应力类型(拉伸、剪切、扭转)
- 断裂模式(韧性、脆性、疲劳、超负荷)
- 裂缝扩展方向
- 骨折起始的面积和机制
- 微观结构内的污染
- 腐蚀产物和沉积物的元素分析
- 非常小的零件的元素组成
- 导致故障的制造或维修相关因素
- 与故障原因相关的其他因素
Rimkus 材料测试和调查实验室拥有两个商用 SEM/EDS 系统,专门用于材料分析和腐蚀调查。

Rimkus 材料测试和调查专家利用各种无损检测技术,包括:
- 能量色散光谱 (EDS)
- 扫描电子显微镜 (SEM)
- 高分辨率 3D 表面轮廓
- 3D 轮廓测量
- 表面光洁度/粗糙度
- 液体渗透检测 (PT)
- 各种类型的液体 PT 方法用于检测表面开放的材料缺陷或检测开放表面裂纹。使用红色染料或荧光渗透剂以及各种类型的湿式和干式显影剂。
- 磁粉探伤 (MPI)
- 检测铁磁材料中表面和浅表下表面不连续性的过程
- 便携式硬度计
- 罗克韦尔、布里内尔、利布
- 目视和低放大倍率检测
- 便携式 X 射线荧光 (XRF) 光谱仪

Metallography is the study of the microstructures of metallic materials. The properties of a material and its performance in a specific application depend on its microstructure. Rimkus utilizes numerous types and magnification of high-resolution optical and digital microscopes during the metallurgical examination process.
Analyses of microstructure in cross-sectioned samples help determine material properties, fracture propagation, corrosion pitting morphology, heat treatment, quality and thickness of plating and coating, grain size, overheat damage, material contamination, flaw characteristics, weld quality, manufacturing design flaws, and defect mechanisms.
The Rimkus Materials Testing and Investigation team has advanced training and knowledge in metallographic preparation procedures/processes, from sectioning and mounting the specimen through the grinding and polishing stages to proper selection and etching techniques of the tested material. Our expert laboratory staff is looked upon to provide metallurgical samples preparation techniques and their subsequent interpretations to clients from across the country.

During manufacturing, defects can be introduced at several stages of processing. Supported by the necessary advanced analytical equipment, expert training, and experience, the Rimkus Materials Testing and Investigation experts perform high level defect investigation to identify the specific processing step in which a defect occurred. Our experts will not only interpret the results but can provide recommendations to prevent future defects.
By providing high-quality defect investigation along with other materials testing methods, our team can determine whether a product failed due to defects or flaws produced in the manufacturing process or if the failure was caused during normal or abnormal usage.

Using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) is an advanced analytical technique that enables the operator to identify the chemical characterization/elemental analysis of materials. EDS analysis can identify the elemental composition of fine to microscopic particles or larger regions on the surface of samples.
During an SEM examination, the locations, deposits, or areas of interest are analyzed using an EDS attached to the scanning electron microscope. EDS microanalysis is performed by measuring the energy and intensity of the signals generated by a focused electron beam scanned across the specimen.
Elemental Dot Map
Element mapping measures the individual elemental distributions on the exposed surface of a sample. Typically, this technique produces an analysis of one field of view by utilizing the scanning electron beam in conjunction with the EDS detector, in a grid pattern to produce a map. This analysis is particularly valuable when identifying contamination, coating/plating layers, diffusion during welding, and corrosion products.

Rimkus experts have extensive mechanical testing experience to determine the compliance of materials to applicable standards and specifications. We have significant knowledge of mechanical testing methodology and are highly skilled in interpreting the results.
Our team can perform mechanical testing and materials testing as part of a quality assurance program, manufacturing engineering program, failure analysis, or for materials research and development. Tests can be performed to ASTM specifications or other industry-recognized standards.
In-house mechanical testing equipment is used for the following materials tests:
- 弯曲测试
- 拉伸测试
- 压缩测试
- CVN(简支支图 V 型缺口)测试
- 显微硬度测试(努氏、维氏)
- 洛氏硬度
- Brinell Hardness

- 化学分析
- 识别材料的化学成分
- 金相学/微观结构评估
- 投
- 伪造
- 挤压
- 表面处理(氮化物、渗碳等)
- 热处理
- 硬度或显微硬度导线
- 有效案例深度
- 组织
- 涂料
- 电镀
- 熔 覆
- 阳极氧化、磷酸盐、转化涂层等。

An invaluable component of a failure analysis or corrosion investigation is the chemical analysis of metals. Used for multiple purposes, chemical analysis is crucial in the identification of manufacturing difficulties, completion of quality control requirements, and reverse engineering of components that need to be recreated.
Material chemical composition analysis and verification ensures that each component or raw stock material is produced in accordance with the correct material alloy specification. Chemical composition analysis can be performed using various methods that compare results against the appropriate industry standards, such as ASTM, SAE, and more. Our team of experts routinely analyzes the alloying content of a wide range of materials including, but not limited to iron, steel, aluminum, copper, nickel, zinc, titanium, and lead.
For metals, the Optical Emission Spectrometry (OES) technique utilizes a high-energy spark created between an electrode and a sample of the material to be analyzed. The spark creates an emission of radiation from the excited sample surface with wavelengths characteristic of the elemental chemical composition. The spectrum of radiation is separated into the distinct element lines and the intensity of each line is measured. Finally, these are precisely converted into concentration values for each element present.
OES continues to be the reference technique for direct chemical analysis of solid metallic samples. The unmatched combination of accuracy, high speed, precision, stability, and reliability have made it an indispensable tool for production and verification of quality metal products.

Field metallographic replication is a (semi) non-destructive test required in some applications where it is not possible to remove a component from service or the size of the components prohibits analysis in the laboratory.
Assorted replicating media techniques allow our experts to create a portable copy of the microstructure of interest while in the field. Replication involves removal of the material’s surface by lightly grinding, followed by polishing using fine grits.
Once the surface is properly polished and prepared, it is then etched with various acids to reveal the materials microstructure. The replicating media is then applied and allowed to cure. Once the replicating media is cured, it will be removed from the sample, returned to our laboratory, and analyzed using a variety of microscopes.
Replication can also be performed to replicate surfaces for surface finish or other testing, replicating shapes, corrosion pitting, cracking or any other surface that require imaging or measurements.

With its 6 x 11-inch fully automated stage, the high-resolution Keyence VR enhances our capabilities for measuring and analyzing large samples. It can be utilized in nearly all industries and at every step of engineering, from research and development to production, and from quality control through analysis of failures and defect investigation.
The Keyence VR is just one of the many pieces of advanced technological and analytical equipment we utilize to assist customers in understanding their complex matters.
- 复杂轮廓的测量
- Keyence VR 可以扫描任何 2D 或 3D 物体或表面,并提供任何类型的 2D 和 3D 表面或轮廓测量。它还允许进行非接触式表面光洁度和粗糙度测量,以及评估真实的表面平整度。
- 表面光洁度和粗糙度
- 表面光洁度和粗糙度测试可以在我们的实验室完成,也可以在现场使用我们的高分辨率、零收缩复制介质进行现场完成。
- 产品缺陷和装配
- 橡胶垫圈安装不当还是制造商有缺陷?垫片座是否与垫片尺寸匹配?我们可以使用 Keyence VR 获得的高分辨率 3D 轮廓测量来回答这些问题。
- 制造缺陷
- 我们可以使用 Keyence VR 来评估组件(例如管道配件)是否有任何异常的磨损疤痕、成型线、变形、螺纹损坏或腐蚀点蚀。
- 环境屋顶损坏
- 环境冰雹对带状疱疹的损害可能难以表征和评估。通过使用 Keyence VR,我们可以评估、表征和确认屋顶瓦片的损坏情况。
- 无损分析
- 现在可以对齿轮和衬套进行 3D 轮廓测量,而无需进行破坏性测试。这使我们的项目经理能够快速有效地评估磨损模式,具有很高的准确性和可重复性。
- 注塑模具缺陷
- 注塑模具可能会磨损不当,从而导致最终产品出现缺陷。我们现在可以测量这些磨损疤痕和缺陷,以表征和识别模具的尺寸。