Rimkus 拥有一支由工程师、建筑师、施工经理和安全专业人员组成的高度专业化团队,可协助进行场所责任评估的各个方面,包括建筑规范审查、ADA 合规性、OSHA 合规性、行业标准符合性和整体现场安全审查。
滑倒和跌倒事故是一个特殊的调查领域,Rimkus 专家在这方面拥有多年的经验。Rimkus 专家接受过培训,能够使用各种类型的设备评估行走和沐浴表面的防滑性。我们的专家了解与滑倒和跌倒相关的最新法规要求和安全标准。
由于联邦、州和地方市政法规、条例和法令不断变化,建筑物和设施的合规性是一个复杂的问题。Rimkus 专家具有必要的洞察力,能够评估哪些法规适用于特定场所。我们的团队精通 ADA 标准、OSHA 法规、ASTM 和 ANSI 标准、建筑法规以及其他出口要求。
The evaluation of a premises liability claim or lawsuit goes beyond the review of regulatory compliance. Questions concerning proper maintenance, employee training, signage, and health and safety protocols could arise during any premises liability investigation.
Due to our years of experience and depth of expertise, Rimkus experts are well situated to address these questions in nearly every industry including hospitality, retail, commercial and health care.
Understanding the mechanics of human locomotion (gait), fall dynamics, and injury mechanisms, as well as the interactions between pedestrians and walking surfaces, are key to determining how falls and injuries may have occurred.
Our biomechanical experts can evaluate these factors to determine if they contributed to a reported event.
Human factors can play a major role in accidents that occur at private or public locations.
Our experts can explain what a person could see, and the effect of lighting on the conspicuity of objects in an area, as well as the human gait patterns when walking on flat and uneven surfaces, strolling up or down inclines, and climbing stairs and ladders.
最重要的事情莫过于保护公众和物业员工的安全。Rimkus 的顾问在评估物业现场条件方面拥有丰富的经验。无论是检查停车场管理系统、围栏、景观、照明、闭路电视设计、入口设计还是顾客出入控制,我们的专家都能从数十年的安全经验中发现改进的机会。
无论多么安全的物业都无法幸免于刑事袭击事件。安全事件很少发生,但 Rimkus 专家可以评估事件的可预见性,并确定应对措施是否符合行业最佳实践。我们的专家可以对您物业附近的犯罪活动进行人口分析,并评估员工和消费者对发生的犯罪活动的反应。
Injuries to patrons caused by crowd surge or security failures can be high-profile incidents. Rimkus’ security experts can evaluate protocols put in place for large, public events to determine their adequacy. Our evaluations may consider factors such as the use of physical barriers, proper use or training of security guards, adequate threat assessment based on threat history and intelligence, liaison capabilities with first responders, and many others.
A visual representation of an accident or incident event conveys information far better than words alone.
From computer-generated animations to full-length video productions, to 3D printing, our team designs and creates compelling demonstrative exhibits to accurately illustrate the facts to help our clients and juries understand precisely how an accident or incident occurred.