Christine Cosip, P.E.


Built Environment Solutions

Los Angeles


Ms. Christine Cosip holds a B.S. degree from the University of California, Irvine, with an emphasis in structural engineering. She has over 10 years of practice in the field of structural/civil engineering and is both a registered professional engineer and ICC-certified building plans examiner in California.

Ms. Cosip’s expertise involves knowledge and familiarity with the design codes and standards, namely the International Building Code (IBC) and the California Building Code (CBC) among others, and various materials such as steel, wood, concrete, masonry, FRP, and light-gauge framing.

Her experience includes structural design and consultation services, construction administration, structural observation, and comprehensive seismic and wind analyses of new and existing structures compliant with current code regulations.

Additionally, her professional experience encompasses the design, evaluation, and/or retrofit of the following structures, commercial structures; single-/two-story residential tenant improvements; telecommunication structures such as towers, steel/wood poles, CMU enclosures, equipment pads, etc.; anchorage; guard rails; stairs; ladders; pools; and retaining walls.


• Civil Engineering, B.S.: University of California, Irvine (2013)

• Registered Professional Engineer: California

• Certified California Building Plans Examiner: International Code Council