Mr. Jeff Cook is a Certified Industrial Hygienist, a Certified Safety Professional, a Licensed Mold Assessment Consultant (Texas), and a Licensed Asbestos Inspector (Texas). Mr. Cook holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Entomology from Kansas State University and over 60 graduate-level credit hours in Environmental Science/Industrial Hygiene from The University of Texas, School of Public Health. He has 20 years of experience in environmental, health, safety, and emergency response practice, and has provided expert testimony in Texas, Louisiana, Colorado, and Florida.
Mr. Cook has conducted coefficient of friction and trip and fall evaluations, safety audits, building code reviews, ergonomic evaluations, and infection control and sanitation inspections.
He has completed investigations on a wide variety of environmental, health, and safety issues related to microbiological, chemical, and physical agents including fungi and bacteria, Legionellosis and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), as well as fire residues, solvents, aldehydes, welding fume, heavy metals, waste anesthetic gases, pharmaceuticals, carbon monoxide, diesel exhaust, pesticides, fumigants, asbestos, clandestine methamphetamine laboratory chemicals, and noise exposures.
He has also completed investigations related to foreign object food contamination, rancidity and off-flavors, domestic water contamination, stormwater and sanitary sewer discharges, defective (imported Chinese) drywall, indoor air quality and odor evaluation, and spray polyurethane foam off-gassing.
• Entomology, B.S.: Kansas State University (1982)
• Environmental Science/Industrial Hygiene: University of Texas, School of Public Health (1994)
• Certified Safety Professional: Board of Certified Safety Professionals (#17829)
• Certified Industrial Hygienist: American Board of Industrial Hygiene (#7729)
• Mold Assessment Consultant License: Texas #MAC0212
• Certified XL Tribometrist: Excel Tribometers, LLC
• Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional Building Design and Construction (LEED AP BD+C): U.S. Green Building Council
• Asbestos Inspector License: Texas #602858, EPA Accredited Asbestos Inspector
• Transportation Worker Identification Credential Card
• Memberships: American Industrial Hygiene Association; American Society of Safety Professionals; Indoor Air Quality Association; Accessibility Professionals Association