Catastrophic Weather Events

Catastrophic (CAT) weather events typically involve either a localized extreme severe weather event, for example, a tornado outbreak, flash flood, or hail event, or large-scale geographic events such as hurricanes, winter storms, and other damaging wind events. Rimkus meteorology experts can develop an analysis for any weather-related CAT event and with the help of WeatherPath™, […]

Catastrophic (CAT) weather events typically involve either a localized extreme severe weather event, for example, a tornado outbreak, flash flood, or hail event, or large-scale geographic events such as hurricanes, winter storms, and other damaging wind events. Rimkus meteorology experts can develop an analysis for any weather-related CAT event and with the help of WeatherPath™, our in-house weather data application, provide a visual representation of the event in relation to any investigation.


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