Rimkus Connections: July 2024 Edition

July 1, 2024

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Profiles in Leadership: Richard Baratta

An impactful leader provides the direction, motivation, and support to enable their team to achieve goals and overcome obstacles. In the first installment of our new Team Insights video series, Dr. Richard Baratta, Senior Vice President, Biomechanical Practice, provides insight into his leadership style and how he fosters successful relationships with his team members.

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News and Articles
Trending Topics and Services

Materials Testing Expert Insights: Hydrogen Embrittlement

When a contractor installs a fastener, it is expected to perform according to its design and support the engineering of the structure. If the fastener fractures unexpectedly, it is crucial to determine why.

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Architectural Services: From Concept to Creation

By utilizing our comprehensive team of experts, clients can expect a thorough and sustainable approach to the design of buildings and their mechanical and electrical systems, accessibility plans, life safety plans, and regulatory code compliance.

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Renewable Energy Services Support Sustainable Properties

Drawing upon significant experience in the rapidly expanding global renewable energy sector, Rimkus offers a comprehensive approach to the design, implementation, maintenance, and repair of renewable energy systems.

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Legal Nurse Consultants: Experts in Analyzing Injury Patterns

Rimkus Legal Nurse Consultants (LNCs) are master puzzle-solvers who use a wide array of skills and experiences gained in their professional medical careers to analyze medical records for injury consistency analysis.

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Upcoming Speaking Engagements
Subject matter experts and thought leaders

Rimkus CE/CLE Webinar
July 10, 2024 – Online

“Shaking Things Up: The Impact of Construction Vibration Property Damage” presented by Gretchen L. Druck, P.E., Property Practice Leader.

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Borneo ADR Week (BAW)
July 15, 2024 – Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

“The Expert Game – Setting the Scene” presented by Sezgin Ozbilgin, Director and Head of Delay Expert Services, CCi, A Rimkus Company, Andrew Merrilees, Director and Head of Quantum Expert Services, CCi, A Rimkus Company, Joanna Seetoh, Partner, Harry Elias Partnership LLP, Laura Chang, Partner, Wong Partnership LLP, and Lim Chee Yong, Partner, Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill.

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Rimkus CE/CLE Webinar
July 24, 2024 – Online

“ECMs and Airbag Modules” presented by Michael A. Price, ACTAR, Senior Consultant.

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Rimkus continuing education webinars are available on-demand after each live presentation, but attending the live broadcast often provides US-based participants with the opportunity to earn CE or CLE credit hours.

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Product Liability Notices
Product and Materials Failure Expertise

Recalls can be the result of manufacturing defects, design issues, or unexpected and unintended user behaviors – for many manufacturers, issues due to user behavior can be particularly challenging. Click the button below to view recent product recalls in the United States.

Our Human Factors group can provide the expertise to analyze user behavior. We can help predict potential misuses before they happen or identify ways to address unexpected misuses when they are discovered in the field.

Jay Todd

J. Jay Todd
Senior Consultant
View Expert Profile

“We provide independent, data-driven insight on an individual’s decision-making and behavior surrounding the use of product. This knowledge can be used to help the client better understand the user’s goal(s) while interacting with the product. This is important because sometimes even subtle changes in a user’s goal-directed behavior can lead to errors and violations, resulting in incidents.”

Offering extensive experience in safety, forensic sciences, and failure analysis, Rimkus has a diverse group of qualified engineers, metallurgists and materials scientists, biomechanists, human factors experts, and safety professionals to conduct accident investigations involving products, equipment, and materials.

Our experts use specialized investigative techniques to analyze the full spectrum of the product cycle. We examine the entire life cycle, from inception to end use, including design, manufacturing, materials installation, training, operation, and maintenance.

About Rimkus

Rimkus has been in the consulting business since 1983, offering our clients an array of experts that spans nearly all engineering disciplines, many scientific disciplines, architecture, and forensic analysis. This broad range of expertise, together with the years of experience our staff members bring into play, enables us to address virtually any client challenge.

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