Mr. Darin Dux holds an M.S. in Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering with a focus on Machine Design, Metallurgical Engineering and Materials, and Mechanical Failure Analysis, and a B.S. in Agricultural Engineering with an emphasis on Power and Machinery.
Mr. Dux has over 30 years of design experience in the areas of agricultural equipment, arboriculture and tree service machinery, mulch and compost production machines, water reclamation equipment, trenching and boring machines, surface mining and milling equipment, utility installation machinery, landscape equipment and attachments, and construction/industrial equipment. Mr. Dux has experience in light and heavy machine structural systems, hydraulic and electro-hydraulic systems, internal combustion and electrically powered machines, analog and digital control systems, sensors and sensor suites, and stationary and mobile on-road and off-highway equipment. He holds 16 U.S. and international patents.
Mr. Dux has extensive experience in product safety and product compliance. He has contributed to national and international standards including SAE, ANSI, and ISO standards, and has served as a subject matter expert to national, state, provincial, and regional regulatory governmental bodies in the areas of machine and worker safety. Mr. Dux has worked with products across the globe including North and South America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Rim.
Mr. Dux has performed many investigations of jobsite machinery accidents and vehicle accidents involving injuries and fatalities. He has modeled and recreated machine accidents and performed extensive testing and analysis. Mr. Dux is both a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI) and a Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI) and has performed fire investigations involving partial loss, total loss, structures, industrial facilities, warehouses, equipment, construction activity, multiple machines, and multiple vehicle losses.
Mr. Dux has experience in human factors and ergonomics, warnings and instructions, operator manuals and technical documentation, machine NVH, worksite OSHA and MSHA regulations, and right-of-way safety.
Mr. Dux has been engaged in multiple matters involving classic, antique, specialty, muscle and collector cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles and memorabilia. Mr. Dux restores vehicles, motorcycles, tractors, equipment, and vintage timepieces including classic and collector watches.
Education and Certifications
• Master of Science in Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering, Emphasis in Machine Design, Metallurgical Engineering, and Failure Analysis: University of Nebraska – Lincoln, 1998
• Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering, Emphasis in Power and Machinery: University of Nebraska – Lincoln, 1994
• Licensed Professional Engineer: California, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming
• International Association of Arson Investigators, Electrical Aspects of Fire Investigation tested training program
• Northwestern University Center for Public Safety, Traffic Crash Investigation I
• FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot In Command Certification
• Human Factors Engineering, University of Michigan Professional Course
• Warnings and Instructions, Product Safety & Liability, University of Wisconsin Seminars
• NAFI Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator
• NAFI Certified Vehicle (and Equipment) Fire Investigator
• Midwest Association of Technical Accident Investigators, CMV Advanced Crash Training 2022
• AEM Product Safety and Liability Seminar, 2014-2021
• Natural Gas Vehicle Institute NGV Essentials and Safety Practices, 2023
• Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) Construction Equipment Standards and Regulations Committee: Multi-Year Chair
• AEM Underground Equipment Manufacturers Council: Multi-Year Chair
• Committees and Councils: AEM Alternative Power Technical Committee, Attachment Manufacturers Council, Compact Loader/Compact Excavator Council, Earth-moving and Mining Equipment Council, Forestry Equipment Council, Joint Technical Liaison Meeting, Safety & Product Leadership Council, Towed Equipment Technical Committee, Trencher Equipment Committee, Trenchless Equipment Committee, and Vacuum Excavation Equipment Committee.
• SAE MTC 1 Earthmoving Machinery
• SAE MTC 4 Forestry and Logging Equipment
• SAE MTC 9 Trenching and Horizontal Earthboring Machines
• ISO TC 127 Earth-moving Machinery
• ISO TC 195 Building Construction Machinery and Equipment
• ISO TC 199 Safety of Machinery
• ISO TC 82 Mining
• ISO TC 10 Technical Product Documentation
• ISO TC 23 Tractors and Machinery for Agriculture and Forestry
• ISO TC 145 Graphical Symbols (for Safety Signs and Controls)
• ANSI Z535 Series – Safety Signs, Product Safety Information for Product Manuals
• ANSI Z133 Safety Requirements for Arborculture Operations
• Functional Safety Training, 2016-2021
• SAE Accident Reconstruction Digital Summit 2023
• IAAI Fire Investigation Fundamentals – DMACC/ International Association of Arson Investigators