Jessica M. Zendler, Ph.D.

Director, Sports Science

Life Sciences



Dr. Jessica Zendler holds a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, an M.S. in Kinesiology, and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and Kinesiology. She has extensive experience in injury biomechanics and human performance. She investigates human movement as it relates to the cause and prevention of injury, its effect on physical and sport performance, and how it is affected by interactions with products and equipment in complex environments, such as the sports field or a warehouse floor. Her professional experience includes the evaluation of footwear, sports equipment, and wearable sensors. She is the Program Manager for the National Basketball Association (NBA) and NBA Players Association Wearables Validation Program, advises sports organizations and national governing bodies on sport technology, and conducts research and validation for sport, fitness, and human performance product manufacturers.

Dr. Zendler’s doctoral research focused on understanding the mechanical properties of the knee cartilage in order to investigate the effect of knee injury on musculoskeletal health. After completing her Ph.D., Dr. Zendler spent several years researching sports and injury biomechanics at the University of Michigan, where she directed the Michigan Performance Research Laboratory and where she continues to maintain an adjunct research faculty position. During her academic career, she conducted research on the effects of footwear and equipment on biomechanics, performance, and user experience during sports and daily activities. She led movement analyses of athletic and non-athletic populations to understand the role of movement in injury, physical performance, and health, and specialized in the use of wearable technology to monitor individuals outside the lab. She remains active in research and continues to lecture on biomechanics, kinesiology, and sport technology.

Dr. Zendler is co-chair of the Sports Tech Research Network’s Quality Assessment of Sports Technologies Group, a member and conference abstract reviewer for the American Society of Biomechanics, and a member of the NBA Sport Science Committee, International Society of Biomechanics Footwear Technical Group, the ASTM International Committee F13 on Pedestrian/Walkway Safety, and the Scientific Advisory Boards of Xenith, Know Labs, and Betterguards.

Education and Certifications

  • Mechanical Engineering and Kinesiology, Ph.D.: University of Michigan (2013)
  • Mechanical Engineering, M.S.: University of Michigan (2012)
  • Kinesiology, M.S.: University of Michigan (2010)
  • Biomedical Engineering, B.S.: Washington University in St. Louis (2008)


  • Huynh P, Guadagnino S, Zendler J, Agresta C. “Physical Demands of Collegiate Basketball Practice: A Preliminary Report on Novel Methods and Metrics.” Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 2024 6; 1324650.
  • Krombholz D, Willwacher S, Consmuller T, Linden A, Utku B, Zendler J. “Comparison of an Adaptive Ankle Brace to Conventional Taping for Rehabilitation of Acute Ankle Injury in Youn Subelite Soccer Players: A Pilot Study.” Journal of Sports Rehabilitation. 2024; 33(7):562-569.
  • Robertson S, Zendler J, De Mey Kristof, Haycraft J, Ash G, Brockett C, Seshadri D, Woods C, Kober L, Aughey R, Rogowski J. “Development of a Sports Technology Quality Framework.” Journal of Sports Sciences. 2023; 41(22):1983-1993.
  • Rossanigo R, Bertuletti S, Camomilla V, Orejel Bustos A, Agresta C, Zendler J, Risatti M, Sanfelici A, Cereatti A. “Estimation of Running Biomechanical Parameters Using Magneto-Inertial Sensors: A Preliminary Investigation.” Gait & Posture. 2022 Oct 97; supp2:38-39.
  • Agresta C, Freehill MT, Zendler J, Giblin G, Cain S. “Sensor Location Matters When Estimating Player Workload for Baseball Pitching.” 2022 Nov 22; 22:9008.
  • Agresta C, Giacomazzi C, Harrast M, Zendler J. “Running Injury Paradigms and Their Influence on Footwear Design Features and Runner Assessment Methods: A Focused Review to Advance Evidence-Based Practice for Running Medicine Clinicians.” Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 2022 Mar 9; 4:815675.
  • Handelzalts S, Volk M, Zendler JD, Agresta C, Peacock J, Alexander NB. “Physical Activity Patterns in Frail and Nonfrail Patients with End-Stage Liver Disease.” Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology. 2021; In press.
  • Burns GT, Gonzalez R, Zendler JM, Zernicke RF. “Bouncing Behavior of Sub-Four Minute Milers.” Scientific Reports. 2021; 11:10501.
  • Zendler JM, Jadischke R, Frantz J, Hall S, Goulet GC. “Emergency Department Visits From 2014 to 2018 for Head Injuries in Youth Non-Tackle Football Compared With Other Sports.” Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2021; 9(1).
  • Jadischke R, Zendler J, Lovis E, Elliot A, Goulet GC. “Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Head and Body Impacts in American 7v7 Non-Tackle Football.” BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. 2020; 6:e000638.
  • Agresta CE, Peacock J, Carmichael A, Neilsen K, Deneweth Zendler J, Gonzalez R. “The Perception of Ride is Multidimensional for Running Footwear.” Footwear Science. 2020; 12(1):15-24.
  • Provenzano SG, Hafer JF, Peacock J, Kempner S, Deneweth Zendler J, Agresta CE. “Restriction in Pelvis and Trunk Motion in Postpartum Runners compared with Pre-Pregnancy.” Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy. 2019; 43(3):119-126.
  • Agresta CE, Goulet GC, Peacock J, Housner J, Zernicke RF, Deneweth Zendler J. “Years of Running Experience Influences Stride-to-Stride Fluctuations and Adaptive Response During Step Frequency Perturbations in Healthy Distance Runners.” Gait and Posture. 2019; 70: 376-382.
  • Burns GT, Zendler JM, Zernicke RF. “Step Frequency Patterns of Elite Ultramarathon Runners During a 100-Km Road Race.” Journal of Applied Physiology. 2019; 126(2): 462-468.
  • Burns GT, Zendler JM, Zernicke R F. “Validation of a Wireless Shoe Insole for Ground Reaction Force Measurement.” Journal of Sports Sciences. 2018; 37(10):1129-1138.
  • Agresta CE, Southern E, Peacock J, Deneweth Zendler J. “Immediate and Short-Term Adaptations to Maximalist and Minimalist Running Shoes.” Footwear Science. 2018; 10(2):95-107.
  • Agresta C, Peacock J, Housner J, Zernicke RF, Deneweth Zendler J. “Experience Does Not Influence Injury-Related Joint Kinematics and Kinetics in Distance Runners.” Gait and Posture. 2018; 61:13-18.
  • Crawford EA, Whiteside D, Deneweth JM, Ross JR, Bedi A, Goulet GC. “In-vivo Hip Morphology and Kinematics in Elite Baseball Pitchers.” 2016; 32(5):798-805.
  • Whiteside D, Deneweth JM, Bedi A, Zernicke R, Goulet GC. “Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) in Elite Ice Hockey Goaltenders: Etiological Implications of On-Ice Hip Mechanics.” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2015, 43(7):1689-1697.
  • Whiteside D, McGinnis RS, Deneweth JM, Zernicke RF, Goulet GC. “Ball Flight Kinematics, Variability, and Pitching Success in Elite Baseball.” Scandinavian Journal of Sports Medicine. 2015.
  • Tramer JS, Deneweth JM, Whiteside D, Ross JR, Bedi A, and Goulet GC. “On-Ice Functional Assessment of an Elite Ice Hockey Goaltender Following Treatment for Femoroacetabular Impingement.” Sports Health: A Multi-disciplinary Approach. 2015.
  • Whiteside D, Deneweth J, Pohorence M, Sandoval B, Russell J, McLean S, Zernicke R, Goulet G. “Grading the Functional Movement ScreenTM: A Comparison of Manual (Real-Time) and Objective Methods.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2014.
  • Deneweth JM, Pomeroy SM, Russell JR, McLean SG, Zernicke RF, Bedi A, Goulet GC. “Position-Specific Hip and Knee Kinematics in NCAA Football Athletes.” Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2014;2(6):2325967114534591.
  • Deneweth JM, Arruda EM, and McLean SG. “Hyperelastic Modeling of Location-Dependent Human Distal Femoral Cartilage Mechanics.” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 2015;68(1):146-156.
  • Deneweth JM, McLean SG, and Arruda EM. “Evaluation of Hyperelastic Models for the Non-Linear and Non-Uniform High Strain-Rate Mechanics of Tibial Cartilage.” Journal of Biomechanics. 2013;46(10):1604-1610.
  • Deneweth JM, Newman KE, Sylvia SM, McLean SG, and Arruda EM. “Heterogeneity of Tibial Plateau Cartilage In Response To A Physiological Compressive Strain Rate.” Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2013;31(3):370-375.
  • Deneweth J, Bey M, McLean S, Lock T, Kolowich P, and Tashman S. “Tibiofemoral Joint Kinematics of the ACL-Reconstructed Knee During A Single-Leg Hop Landing.” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2010;38(9):1820-1828.


  • ASTM F13: Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear
  • STRN Special Interest Group on Quality Assessment of Sports Technologies
  • American Society of Biomechanics (ASB): Member
  • ASTM International: Committee Member
  • International Society of Biomechanics (ISB): Technical Group Member
  • National Basketball Association (NBA) Sport Science Committee: Member
  • Sports Tech Research Network (STRN): Special Interest Group Co-Chair