Ms. Judith Isaacson’s professional activities include general human factors engineering consultation, developing and evaluating safety communications in a variety of forms and media (e.g., instructions, symbols and graphics, labels, manuals, videos, internet), developing and conducting usability studies, and analyzing standards and regulations. She has conducted research addressing warnings and instructions, product usability, patient decision-making, distraction, and driver skill development, among other areas.
Ms. Isaacson is part of the leadership to the most widely applicable US standards for product warning labels, signs, and safety messages in owner’s manuals. She currently serves as the Vice-Chair for the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z535 Committee on Safety Signs and Colors. She was previously Vice-Chair of the ANSI Z535.6 Subcommittee on Product Safety Information in Product Manuals, Instructions, and Other Collateral Materials and is currently a member of that committee, the ANSI Z535.4 Subcommittee on Product Safety Signs and Labels, and the newly formed ANSI Z535.7 Subcommittee on Product Safety Information in Electronic Media, among others.
Ms. Isaacson serves as the chair of the U.S. TAG for ISO Technical Committee 145 on graphical symbols (SC 1 and 2), the international committee that oversees standards such as the ISO 3864 series for Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs; ISO 7010, Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas; and the ISO 9186 series for Graphical symbols for public information — Test methods. She is also Convenor of ISO/TC 145/SC 2/WG 1, the working group responsible for several of the ISO TC 145 standards.
Education and Certifications
• Certified Product Safety Manager (C.P.S.M.)
• Human Factors Psychology, M.S.: Wright State University, Dayton, OH, 1999, Graduate Council Fellow, Phi Kappa Phi
· Thesis: Take as Directed: Human Factors in Medication and Information Sheet Use
• Psychology, B.S.: Rice University, Houston, Texas, 1996, Magna cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa
· Study Abroad – University College of North Wales, UK, 1995