Our Rimkus Natural Resource Consulting team is committed to providing high quality scientific and engineering services. Our highly trained technical consultants develop innovative solutions that meet specific needs consistent with the long-term interests of the industry, the public, and the environment. We maintain high standards of professional conduct and comply with all applicable rules and regulations relating to our work. Being true experts in the Natural Resource and Environmental Consulting field allows us to think outside of the box to find the most practical, cost-effective solutions to project challenges.
Natural Resource Services:
- Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) and State Water Assessments
- Preliminary Wetland and State Water Assessments
- Wetland Identification and Delineation
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Issuing Authority coordination and negotiation
- Clean Water Act Permitting Services
- Nationwide Permit preparation, planning, and negotiation
- Individual Permit preparation, planning, and negotiation
- Threatened and Endangered Species Assessments/Section 7 consultation
- Terrestrial/aquatic species
- Sediment Discharge Evaluations (WOTUS and State Waters)
- Pond/Lake Baseline and Post-Construction Evaluations: Sedimentation Loading
- Mitigation Planning Services
- Historical and Cultural Resources Assessments/Section 106 consultation
- Mitigation banking and planning
- Wetland restoration, enhancement, and monitoring
Environmental Services:
- Hazardous Building Material Investigations
- Asbestos Pre-Demolition Surveys
- Lead-based Paint Screening
- Environmental Site Assessments
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (E1527)
- ASTM E-1528 Environmental Transaction Screens
- Environmental Risk Assessments
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Audits; Georgia Environmental Policy Act (GEPA) Audits
- Subsurface Investigations
- Phase II Limited Site Investigations
- Soil and Groundwater Remediation and Assessments
- Georgia Hazardous Response Act (HSRA) Assessment, Scoring, and Reporting
- Georgia Brownfield Assessments, coordination, and negotiation
- Underground Storage Tanks
- Underground Storage Tank Assessments
- Underground Storage Tank Closures
- Corrective Action Plan Preparation (CAP A/B)
Reach out to our Natural Resource Consulting team today at 678.303.2600.
Dana A. Spotts, REPA, EP Director, Natural Resource Services 678.414.3026 dspotts@contourenv.com |
Akisha Staggers Vice President, Real Estate Due Diligence Services 771.216.1556 astaggers@rimkus.com |