Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic chemicals that have been used in various common products, from frying pans to the screen on which you are reading this. Often dubbed “forever chemicals,” PFAS do not degrade easily and have recently been the subject of extensive regulatory activity and interest.
By partnering with Rimkus, clients gain comprehensive expertise and an effective ally as they navigate the evolving PFAS regulatory landscape. Our toxicologists can assess the potential health risks associated with PFAS exposure to help ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations. Our human factors experts can help navigate questions that may arise regarding risk communications, including whether, when, and/or how to provide them. Additionally, our thorough forensic investigations can help with identifying sources of PFAS contamination and developing mitigation strategies.
- Medical Human Factors
- Product Safety
- Sports Science
- Toxicology and Food Safety
- Biomedical Engineering
- Research Services
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